Quiz time – Is your hat-trick perfect?

Question:  In football, what is a ‘perfect’ hat-trick?

Answer: A player gets a hat-trick when they score three goals in one game. The ‘perfect’ hat-trick is when a player scores one goal with their right foot, one goal with their left foot and one goal with their head, all within one match.

Perfect hat-tricks are rare, and only 31 have been achieved in nearly 28 Premier League seasons. Did you know the term hat-trick didn’t start on the football pitch? The phrase came from cricket, and first appeared in 1858 when H. H. Stephenson in a cricket match took three wickets with three consecutive deliveries. Fans held a collection for Stephenson, and presented him with a hat bought with the proceeds. The phrase hat-trick was used in print for the first time in 1865.

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